Thursday, January 23, 2014

Organic SEO for Inbound Search Engine Marketing


 What is SEO?

SEO or search engine optimization, can best be defined as the acts of compliant on site search engine practices and methodologies that are used to attract major search engine crawlers, to ultimately increase the website owners organic traffic and search engine result page listings in major search engines result pages. As statistics have proven time and time again, using organic search engine optimization hand in hand with search engine marketing will help increase your organic traffic flow and search engine result page keyword rankings. Every website owner should take the time to understand the importance of implementing SEO and search engine marketing into their online marketing and direct marketing strategies and campaigns.

SEO Tactics and SEO Strategies                       

Some of the more common types of rudimentary SEO practices that website owners use for search engine optimization purposes are as follows-

-Website Structure and Canonicalization- the physical structure of a website, the organizational structure of a website, and how the URL’s are structured, are all a contributing factor in how search engine’s crawl your website.

-Site URL’s- The actual website URL’s and how the URL’s read in your website structure also are a determining factor in how well your website places within search engine results pages.
On Site Content and Keyword Densities- The content of a website and how many times a specific web pages keyword is used through each individual webpage of a website.

-META Info- The META info of a website is the unseen text that search engines read additionally to reading and crawling your websites actual content. The META info is best described as how each web page is started in programming terms. Within the META info of a webpage for SEO purposes, a website owner should be using META title tags, META keywords, and META descriptions. As there are numerous other types of META information variables that can be used for different reasons and for specific situations, the three main SEO meta info tags listed above are the most important for search engine optimization purposes.

-<H> Tags- Header tags or >H> tags are a series of tags that are used in numerical order, to structure content on a webpage per sub heading of text on a webpage. The following most common header tags webmasters use for SEO purposes are as follows- h1, h2,h3,h4,h5,h6. This system adds to the site and content structure as well as placing prominence over sub headings of content for a specific web page.

-Image ALT Tags- This SEO method is for optimizing images for major search engines, text based search engine, and meta search engine crawlers. An image alt tag is best explained as the text used to define an image on a website. The image alt tag is used by simply adding a “alt=”keyword” “ to the actual HTML coding of a websites image.

-Sitemaps- A sitemap is a type of special web page that is used to “map” out an entire website for users and for search engine crawlers.
These are the most common practices for on SEO or search engine optimization purposes.

Original SEO article written by Jay Couture